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Bluetooth, Wireless, Remote Control Sex Toys by Lovense!

Bluetooth Wireless Ġugarelli Sess tal-Kontroll mill-Bogħod!

Ħu l-Kontroll. Ghaċ. Kullimkien.

Fil-Kamra tas-sodda

Lush by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.

Lush 3

Hush by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.


Nora by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.


Max by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.

Max 2

Max by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.


Max by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.


Ambi by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.


Edge by Lovense can be used inside and outside of the bedroom.

Edge 2

Domi by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.

Domi 2

Osci by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.

Osci 2

Osci by Lovense can be used in the bedroom.


Barra Il-Kamra tas-sodda

Lush by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.

Lush 3

Hush by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.


Edge by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.


Edge by Lovense can be used inside and outside the bedroom.


Ikkontrollat ​​mill-bogħod permezz ta 'iPhone jew Android

The Lovense Remote app allows you to control it from a short distance.

Kontroll mill-Qrib

Issettjah f'minuti u ibdel l-ismartphone tiegħek f'kontroll remot mingħajr fili. Oqgħod waħdek jew ittrasferixxi l-ismartphone tiegħek lis-sieħeb tiegħek u arahom b'eċitament waqt li jieħdu pjaċir minn madwar il-kamra kollha.

Kontroll fuq Distanza Twila

L-app tagħna tippermettilek li tagħti kontroll lil xi ħadd li jinsab mil bogħod. Sempliċement iġġiegħel lil dik il-persuna tniżżel l-app u żżidhom bħala ħabib. Imbagħad agħtihom permess biex jikkontrollaw il-ġugarell tiegħek mit-telefon TAGĦHOM.

The Lovense Remote app allows you to control it from a long-distance.
The Lovense Remote app allows you to to choose which vibration levels you prefer and save them in your toy for later use.

Ippersonalizza l-Vibrazzjonijiet Tiegħek

Barra minn hekk, xi ġugarelli huma parti mil-linja Programmabbli tagħna li tippermettilek li jkollok kontroll sħiħ fuq il-pjaċir tiegħek. Uża l-app tagħna biex tagħżel liema livelli ta 'vibrazzjoni tippreferi għal 'baxx', 'medju', u 'għoli' u ssalvahom fil-ġugarell tiegħek għal użu aktar tard. Tista 'wkoll toħloq u tiffranka sa 10 mudelli ta' programmazzjoni.

Iċċekkja din il-paġna biex tkun taf aktar dwar l- ġugarell programmabbli .


Il-Ġugarelli Sesswali Bluetooth tagħna Qabbad bla wajers mal-App tagħna

The Lovense Remote app icon.

Lovense Remote

Any Lovense toy is compatible with iOS/Android devices, MAC, and Windows PC.
Lovense Remote
  • Il-screenshot tal-applikazzjoni Remote Lovense tap and slide remote control.


  • Il-screenshot tal-applikazzjoni Remote Lovense Għażliet ta 'Kontroll fuq Distanza Twila.


  • Il-screenshot tal-applikazzjoni Remote Lovense unlimited patterns.


Karatteristiċi ewlenin::

  • Kontroll fuq Distanza Twila

  • Messaġġi fl-app

  • Video Chat

  • Issinkronizza mal-Mużika

  • Sess fuq Distanza Twila/Issinkronizza Flimkien

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Screenshot tal-App:

(1/3) Tektek u Żerżaq il-Kontroll mill-Bogħod

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